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"I want to express my gratitude to you for all the support you showed me when I (as well as the church) needed it. There is no way to explain how important that support was for us."

church floor plans cross

Elder George Eison

Victory Gospel Chapel, Portsmouth, VA


Why we received the call...

...well, actually we didn't...we met the pastor on the golf course!


During the round, Glen listened to the pastor as he spoke of the vision God gave him. The Lord placed a burden in Glen to help this pastor bring his vision into reality. Glen knew that they were facing an uphill battle with the neighborhood, the city, and the bank, but he believed along with the pastor that nothing is too difficult for God.


The first challenge was finding a location that would accept an urban ministry dedicated to individuals overtaken by drugs, alcohol, gangs, prostitution, and various social problems.

Besides the challenges associated with the new location, the city had rezoned the property making it difficult to build. Combined with push back from the city council and the neighborhood, it was a real step of faith for the church to press on toward their goal.

How CDS helped...

CDS met with the church, and together, they visited various potential sites over a period of two years, vigilantly researching what was feasible, both physically and financially.

CDS worked tirelessly to communicate to the city council the advantages of the church's ministry to the area they would serve. CDS and leaders from the church met with city leaders, community organizations, and neighbors to communicate their vision. This resulted in city approval to build, and improved relationships in the neighborhood.

Still, there was the challenge of the economy and local lending guidelines. Despite the economic downturn, CDS was able to negotiate favorable financing for the project.

On September 29, 2012, the building was dedicated to a standing room only crowd, where testimonies of changed lives were shared. In attendance was law enforcement, members of the court, members of the city and of course all the dedicated members of the church. All this came about from a divine appointment in an unlikely setting.

grace church
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